Research: Websites





To continue with the theme of looking at children’s websites that were educational, we looked at GCSE Bitesize. The reason we did this was because it was one of the mainly used websites for education in the UK, and also because it is seen as good for stimulating children’s minds because it appeals to them specifically, as well as making separate websites for each of their ages, such as KS2 or KS3.

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This is the contents page for Bitesize. The reason why I liked this page was because the options are laid out neatly for the children to see, but also because they use graphics in a fun, very simple manner they can also keep the children entertained. However, I don’t like the lack of colour, as this makes the page look quite boring. However, upon further inspection the actual website itself is quite colourful, as seen here.

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I like the idea of the use of contrasting colours because it will attract childrens’ eyes which will ensure that they read the information, which is exactly what we want to happen. However, I do still think that this page is rather boring, and that maybe graphics appearing around the edges of the website would be good. This is something to bear in mind when we are creating our products.


Research: Websites

Research: Little Big Planet

To continue our research into posters/apps/websites aimed at children, we decided to look at games. The first that jumped out at us was Little Big Planet. The reason we decided to look so closely at this game was because of the handwritten, stitched feel to each of the characters and the backgrounds of the game itself, as seen below.

little big planet

little big planet 2

I like the idea of this because I feel like it appeals directly to children and it makes everything seem more fun. I think this would be a good aspect to add to our designs.


Research: Little Big Planet

Research for second brief

Our second brief is to create a series of posters, an app and a website based on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Because I had absolutely no idea what the theory was about, I decided to do some research with my other partners in my group, Natalie Kennett and Leah Darvell. Whilst the others looked at physical posters based on physics, I decided to actually research what Einstein’s Theory was about.

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This is the research that I came up with. From this, I decided to look at posters and products that were based around space and planets as well as gravity.


poster 1

poster 2

poster 3

As you can see from all three of these posters, the actual graphics on them are colourful, bright and quite simple. The text is also either hand-written to emphasise the child-like feeling to it, or typed using a sans-serif font. The backgrounds are also quite dark, to give emphasis on the space theme. This has given us food for thought and will be considered in our drafts for our work.

Research for second brief