Website third and final drafts

My final draft for my website has been completed. It can be viewed below.

fitnesse website

As you can see, I’ve changed the dimensions of this website to fit the actual dimensions that were needed. This has given it more a landscape view. I’ve also decided to scrap the use of the women as images for classes on the home page and replaced them with a sleeker use of slightly transparent green squares with icons. I feel like this makes the website seem more mature, which would hopefully appeal to an older audience. I also used icons at the top of the page that were brighter and fresher than the previous ones, with the use of yellow fitting in nicely with my colour scheme.

I also found a good background that I feel finally works quite well with the website itself. I changed the opacity of this image so that it didn’t stand out quite so much, which I think makes the website not seem as cluttered as previous designs. Overall I like this design the best, and I feel like it reflects the client’s ideas of a non-stereotypical gym for women. However, I would have liked to have used female icons but unfortunately it was incredibly difficult to find icons that had a matching set of female icons that could be categorised under ‘gym’ and so I had to stick with male ones.

This article also includes the three other pages that I created to go with my home website page, as well as the adjustments I made to two of the pages.

The first draft of the pages are included here, along with the final draft beside them. The last picture does not have a final draft because I wanted to show the two class photos together so I made them essentially very similar.

Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 03.36.29fitnesse website page 2


Screen Shot 2016-04-22 at 03.37.37fitnesse website page 5

fitnesse website page 4

As you can see although the overall layout of the before and after images of the first class, know as ‘Balance’ are quite similar (as I was very certain from the beginning what kind of look I wanted these classes to have based on my research and the final design of my home page), I didn’t come up with the idea to have the arrows scrolling through photos of the women exercising until later. I included these then in every image I used because I thought it would be a nicer idea than to have a gallery button so that the photos that women wanted to see would be separated nicely into categories. I also decided to include a timetable button at the bottom of the screen so that if women were interested in that particular brand of class they could see when it would be advertised.

When it came to the ‘Team’ website page, I was unsure to begin with of what to put in as a photo. Originally I was going to use an icon based photo, because it was very difficult to find a photo that depicted staff at a gym, especially staff that were only women. However after much research I found the photo that I have used, which does feature one man. I also was unsure of what to place as a background and did consider using just a plain background for this page, but then felt that it would not work well with the overall consistency of the website itself. Therefore I chose a photo that represented the outside of the gym, and lowered the opacity so that the actual text would be easier to read. I also included a motto at the bottom of the page so as to remind customers of the gym’s real focus: to encourage women’s fitness.


Website third and final drafts

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