Idea 01: Brief Use Ideas

credits 1

credits 2


After speaking with my teacher Mike I decided to play around with another idea involving my typography, this time within the film world. I chose to create stills of title sequences. I played around with various settings such as the reddish background seen in the first still, which I thought might create a darker atmosphere, almost science fiction style, and also the use of additional text, such as the ‘starring’ in the second still. I also played around with effects on the text itself, to see which looked better; personally, I think the bottom still fits the horror bill more.


Idea 01: Brief Use Ideas

Idea 01: Brief Use Ideas

Book Cover Design

This is one of the mock-ups of one of my ideas on how to use my typography. As you can see, for this piece I’ve decided to use it in a book cover setting. The general genre of the book is horror and thriller, which I think my typography works quite well with. I did add more smoke effects to the text and included a smoke background to accent this, so perhaps in hindsight I should have included more smoke in the actual design, but this is something to think about now the text has been completed. I am quite happy with this design and think it works very well.

Idea 01: Brief Use Ideas

Idea 01: Final Mock-up of First Brief

first smoke text second smoke textfourth smoke text  third smoke text


These are the final designs of my first brief. I decided to get rid of the ripple effect as strongly, but include more smoke coming from the letters.I also made them a brighter colour to contrast against the darkness of the background. Also, instead of putting the smoke at the foreground of the image, I decided to fade it and place it against the text, to make it look almost like clouds. The use of red also helped to contrast the text itself, which I found made it look quite effective. I’m quite pleased with my final design, and I think it would be useful to use on either examples such as book covers or film titles, or to be included in adverts or title sequences.



Idea 01: Final Mock-up of First Brief

Idea 01: Third Digital Mock-Up Of First Brief

Screen Shot 2015-12-02 at 23.02.08

This is my third attempt at a mock up of my smoke text. This time I decided to add blur effects to the text and an almost ripple effect using the wave tool to create the feeling of the words twisting through the air. I used a darker background and employed a set of smoke brushes which I also used in the foreground of the image. However, I didn’t particularly like this idea, and I think I will change this to the background in my next draft.

Idea 01: Third Digital Mock-Up Of First Brief

Inspiration: Smoke Backgrounds

Now I’ve decided to stick with my smoke theme as well as practising adding smoke to my text I decided to look at actual smoke backgrounds and images to help with this idea.

smokey mist backdrop

misty smoke background

smoky mist


I’ve noticed with all of these images that not only is the actual smoke present, but there’s an almost kind of mist in the background too. I really like this idea and I will attempt to incorporate it into my work.

Inspiration: Smoke Backgrounds